
Showing posts with the label spring

Magnolia Tree Budding - 2016

At our old place, one of our neighbors had a big Magnolia tree that would bloom in early Spring and provide some very pretty flowers.  Now that we're down the block at Equation Boy/Man's place, we get to enjoy one of these trees for ouselves.  These fuzzy things are the emerging buds of their well-groomed Magnolia bush.  Spring continues to be full of nice little sneak peeks of what is to come around this house.  It also has me thinking about fall bulb planting and the planning that comes with it.

Spring Flowers Budding Out Front

Back at our old house, I used to document the various stages of the perennials that we had scattered across our lot and landscape beds each spring.  I used to love being able to go out and peek at the peonies or ferns poking through the mulch.  But, now that we're gone from that special house and staying at my sister's/Equation Boy/Man's place down the street, I am treated to a whole new set of spring experiences.  Just this morning, I was taking the trash outside to the curb when I came across these green shoots poking right through the grass surrounding a big tree in the parkway out front.  Thinking that they are tulips, right?  Based on the leaf shape and the curl? There are plenty of frustrations about not being settled into *our* house, but sometimes the little things like this keep me positive.  I know that this weekend, I'll spend some time puttering around the yard checking out what else my sister has planted and see what is coming in.  Spring

Wall Calendars Turned Over To March 2016

 These were turned over earlier this week, but I'm just posting about them on the 10th of the month.  So...let's call it Tuesday the 8th for March. On the right is the University of Illinois Wall Calendar with a beautiful photo of Altgeld Hal l and the spring flowers blooming.  On the right, the Pixar calendar is featuring the movie 'Up'.  On the top is a drawing of a dog in the tree that I *think* is supposed to be Dug.  And on the bottom is a stylized drawing of the house tied up with balloons heading towards Paradise Falls.  On the bottom is a black/white drawing of the house in the mist right up on top of Paradise Falls.  No Russell or Carl Fredrickson or even Kevin anywhere in them. 3 months in, here is where we are for 2016. January took 8 days to put up the calendar . I don't think I was tracking January last year. So let's call it a wash. (+0 Days) February took 16 days to put up the calendar. In 2015, I turned it over on the 17th . (-1 Day

Peonies Are Back - 2014

Just like in year's past, Nat's peonies are popping up - and that is what really means Spring to me. Here's my post from 2013 .   And here are the photos of these same peonies in 2010 , 2011 , and 2012 .

First Buds Breaking Through - 2014

Most every year, I document the return of the peonies in our yard, but this post isn't about that.  Hopefully, I'll get to that later this month when they emerge. This post, is rather, about this unknown bulb poking through the mulch.  I don't quite remember what it is, but give us a few weeks and we'll know!  Our yard is finally emerging from it's long winter's slumber.  I've gone out and done poop patrol once, but as we start to play more in the backyard with the girls, I'm going to have to get back out there and clean up even more.