Kraemer Cold Pack Cheese - Club Cheese - Summer 2020
It has been a while since I covered a new Wisconsin club cheese - with the last one being back in 2018 . That club cheese was from the Cheese Box in Lake Geneva ; which we haven't been back to as they're taking the pandemic pretty seriously and are only doing curbside. In terms of my favorite(s), the King of Clubs from Mars takes the top slot . I found the Bucky Badger stuff to be right up, there, too. They both are smooth and spreadable. Just like my gateway drug: Merkts. This post is about Kraemer Cold Pack Cheese that Nat picked up at a roadside stand. I think she was there buying corn and saw this and grabbed a container of it - because...well...she's the best. I opened it up and it was a little bit 'crumbly'. Kinda like the Glas natural cold pack cheese - that stuff is very crumbly. But, I liked this Kraemer Cold Pack Cheese Food more than Glas. Kinda funny that they call it a "Cold Pack Cheese Food" - not just simply "Cold Pa