Another Karl Foerster Grass Division - October 2024

The three Karl Foerster Feather Reed Grasses that are in the island bed in between our driveway and our front stairs have been stars since we planted the landscape. They were part of the original planting and have done well in this spot. I've divided these a few times over the years. The first time was the one closest to the house in Fall of 2021 . Did more in May 2022 . This Fall, I've opted to dig up and divide the front two. The first the front I totally removed. I took it over to my Mom's house and divided it into three. Below is a photo showing that Karl Foerster Feather Reed Grass totally removed. I then dug up and divided the 'middle' one and split it in two. Put half back in the middle hole. Half in the front hole. See below for the three back in place: This gave me a +1 plants (or grass) ON MY PROPERTY via division. And +3 more at my Mom's. #11 on my 2024 to-do was to 'focu...