
Thanks, Google Now!

When Google Now read this out loud, I had to run the query again and have Nat listen because it was too funny to me.  She humored me by listening to it over my giggles. "Large buttocks". That gold, Google Now.  Gold!

The Last Thing This Guy Is Qualified To Give A Tour Of Is Reality

What's is this?   Pizza Poundcake ? That's a line I mutter to myself a lot when I hear people say "What is this?" or "What's this?". will too.

The Bird Reading To Her Little Brother

I probably should have put 'reading' in quotation marks.'s the Bird giving The King of The Ball Tossers a lesson in how cats can cross the road.  He seemed to be into it.

Girl Scout Samoas

At the office, I bought a few boxes of Girl Scout Cookies from one of my coworkers and instead of bringing them home for me to devour by the sleeve, I did what I thought was the honorable thing and put them in the common area for my team to enjoy. But...I'm not an idiot.  I absconded with one of my boxes and brought it home.  Samoas are not my favorite (more into the frozen Thin Mint, fyi), but they're a favorite of somebody special in my house.  You know what they say:  Happy....

Higher Love - Steve Winwood

A week or so ago, I posted this 'Finer Things' video from Steve Winwood and discussed how there isn't a more divisive artist in the Parrillo household .  (Well...maybe Nina Simone?  But...that's for a different post!) Someone I am connected with on Facebook posted this video this am and I *had* to share it here.  It sure makes me smile and move.  With the horns in this one, it sure seems to be more in Nat's wheelhouse than the synth-driven 'Higher Love', right?!?

Wall Calendars Turned Over To March

Back in February, I posted about the two wall calendars I now have up in my office at the Aon Center .  Both a University of Illinois and a Disney one. It being March 11th, I thought it was instructive to note that it took until yesterday to flip both of these calendars over to March.  Can't say I didn't predict that I'd have trouble with keeping these things current. Here's what they look like:  On the left Disney is highlighting the 20th Anniversary of the opening of the Indiana Jones' Adventure in Disneyland.  On the right, the U of I has a photo (with no snow!) of Boneyard Creek up by the Engineering Quad.

Goodwill Won't Even Take That Massive TV Of Yours

Picture isn't great, but you get the point.  That massive, heavy tv you have in your guest bedroom or basement....Goodwill won't even take them any more. To the curb you go! Which...reminds me of one of my MOST favorite Simpsons moments (maybe only second to the time when Homer was in the Witness Protection Program). Hey...I can call my Ma from up here !