
Showing posts with the label cornell bronze

Even More Dahlia Arrangements - October 2024

Our dahlias keep blooming, but this week, we'll see overnight temperatures down into the 40's.  I'm thinking that means that these things will SLOW WAY DOWN and the blooms will be coming to an end.  Here, below are a couple of photos showing some of the dahlias that I cut this morning - Melina Fleur, Cornell Bronze, Orange Nugget.  

Dahlias Are Still Popping Off - October 2024

My first year of *really* growing dahlias in my beds has been a learning experience.  From pests to watering to starting them indoors, I've learned a bunch this growing season that I can apply next year.  I'm also learning about their bloom-time.  I last posted a photo of the Melina Fleur dahlias in our front porch bed two weeks ago - mid-September - when the plants were full of blooms .  Fast forward to today, the first of October, and they're (surprisingly...) EVEN MORE FULL TODAY.  Below are a few photos showing some of the dahlias (Melina Fleur, Orange Nugget, and something that was billed as Cornell Bronze, but is a purple pompon one) in our front porch bed and sideyard.   Before we go to the photos, I have to is pretty fun to have something like these to enjoy on October First.   First up is Melina Fleur in front of our porch: Around the southside of our house are more Melina Fleur Dahlias.  This plant is NOT staked: Further towards the backyard are the Orang

More Dahlias - Melina Fleur and Cornell Bronze - Cut Flowers - September 2024

The dahlias keep producing blooms.  I can cut an arrangement almost EVERYDAY if I'd like to do that.  I've been giving them away - to neighbors, to my mom, to my sister, to Nat's sister.  2024 is certainly the year of cut flowers - here, here to hitting my 2024 to-do goal for #2 on my list .  Below are a number of blooms that I cut and put in to-go cups for my Mom.

Dark Purple Pompon Dahlia - Unknown Variety - September 2024

I'm (now) pretty sure that when I planted Cornell Bronze Dahlia tubers this Summer , I was *actually* planting something else.  Why?  Because...the blooms that are coming up in both IB2DWs and in the southside cut flower bed are, well...NOT bronze.  They're dark purple.  Or dark maroon.  And they're small pompons.    Floret has a listing for a Moor Place Dahlia that she calls 'button dahlias' .  That sure looks like what I'm growing.  See below for a few photos of three blooms that I recently cut: You'll also notice in the photos below, a small orange bloom.  That was cut from the sideyard - so I'm *pretty sure* that's an Orange Nugget Dahlia .  But, I also cut one of these from the IB2DWs bed earlier - where I called the bush a bi-color mutation .   So, that's weird, right?  One tuber showing two different flowers?  In two different spots?   I'm (now) thinking that this is LESS of a mutation and more of a mis-labeled tuber situation, right? 

Do I Have A Bi-Color Dahlia? August 2024

Up front, in the IBDWs section, I planted a Cornell Bronze Dahlia tuber that I started indoors in a small nursery pot .  I put the sprouted tuber in the ground in mid-June and now, two-months-later it is showing its very first blooms.   This dahlia suffered some rabbit damage early, so I put a chicken wire cage around it in hopes that it would grow up/out and have a big bloom season.   That season of blooms is NOW upon us.  Below, you can see the first Cornell Bronze ball bloom tucked in below the top foliage.  There are more on the way. But, something *else* is happening on this very same Dahlia plant.  For SOME REASON, I'm seeing a purple bloom about to open up - at the very top of the stalk.  Yes...purple dahlia.  On the same plant that is blooming those orange ball flowers.  See below - for a most-certainly purple bloom about to open up: What the what?  Is this a mutation?  A pollinator-caused result?  I have no idea, but I'll be watching this plant to see what else pops la

Four Cornell Bronze Dahlias Planted - Sideyard + IB2DWs - June 2024

The last of the Dahlia tubers are in the ground:  I planted four Cornell Bronze Dahlias that I bought this past winter from Longfield Gardens.  I started them in nursery pots indoors, then moved those to the patio to get acclimated.    I've put in six Melina Fluer dahlias - three in the sideyard and three in the front porch bed .  Then, I put in four Orange Nugget dahlias in the new sideyard bed .  And, now I've put in four (2 in sideyard and 2 IB2DWs) Cornell Bronze dahlias.  13 total plants for the season.  Cut flower season. These are behind the others, but with a little water and a lot of sun, I'm thinking they'll close the gap quickly.