
Showing posts with the label pinching buds

The End of The Basil (Is Near) - September 2024

Despite my best (pinching) efforts, the Large Leaf Italian Basil is nearing the end of its run for the season.  Between bolting and the stalks browning-out, this herb is facing imminent decline.  Will I buy it again?  Of course.  I really like this variety.  Will it bolt in early September again?  Of course.  It always does.   See below for current state of our annual Large Leaf Basil: Next year - with the pizza oven in operation (knock wood) - our basil production will necessarily have to increase, won't it?   What's that you say?  We need a pizza farm?  

Orange Zinnias As Bedding Plants - IB2DWs - June 2024

 For Mother's Day, the kids and I bought a couple of flats of ordinary orange zinnias from the big box store that we planted in some pots for the Moms (and God Mothers) in our/their lives.  I ended up having a few extra and put some in our back patio containers (more on those later), and decided to plant four as bedding plants near the driveway in the original IB2DWs bed.  I picked orange because I like orange and it is the Illini color (of course).   Yesterday, I posted about the one Uproar Rose Zinnia IB2DWs - and that one is much larger/bushier than these.    Below the first photo shows what these orange zinnias look like after a week or so in the ground: I have limited experience with flowers (as I've said in the past), but what I've read and watched online, you can pinch off blooms to (try to) get bushier plants.  So, naturally...I decided to sacrifice these early orange flowers.  I cut them all off - you can see the result below.  I left the flower heads there on the