Backyard Tree Caliper Measurements - January 2020
Two days ago, I posted the first findings of using the caliper measurement tool on our young trees with this post showing the caliper measurements of our Frans Fontaine European Hornbeam trees in the backyard. Today, I'm documenting in the [garden diary] the rest of our young backyard trees which all came from nursery stock. I did the same thing on these that I did on the Hornbeams: measured six inches from the ground and marked each of the trunks. First up is the pair of Greenspire Lindens that we've put up as an esaplier . First is the one on the right (facing them). Then the one on the left (facing them). This one is slightly larger. Then the Weeping White Spruce that I planted mid-Summer 2019 and is dealing with it's first Winter below: One of the backyard Chanticleer Flowering Pear trees - this one along the south fence line below. This tree was planted on Earth Day 2018 and was a really tiny tree (and was cheap, too!) to start. The sm