2021 Yard And Garden To-Do List Scorecard
Starting in 2019, I had a short 10 item list and a 7 part addendum. The scorecard: 12 of 17 complete. 70.5%
Last year, in 2020, I had 25 items on the list. The scorecard: 22 of 25 complete. 88%.
This year, I had another 25 items on my list and with December, it seems like it is a good time to score my activities.
How did I do?
Here's my 2021 to-do list:
1. Planting Priority Area 1 in the backyard. Not done. Punted because of the fire pit area.4. Work to improve the back patio and Stain the patio container made of wood. 50% credit. Still haven't stained the container, but I'm going to try with my own Walnut Stain this Spring. That will go on 2022 list (again). But, I did transplant a trio of grasses on the corner of the patio.
5. Lay down a new Soaker Hose under the Hornbeams. Check. Done and done.
7. Approach deciduous bonsai two ways: collected and planted. This one is a miss. Didn't do either.
8. Work the 3 junipers that I started over the years. Take a shot at the potted Juniper and dig out the pair of planted junipers and put in proper training pots with a pruning. Not really done, either.
20. Keep going to the mulch pit in the Spring to bring back wood chips and bio solids. Nope. Didn't do that this year.
22. Just like in year's past...Build something. Not really. No wood projects to speak of, but I did build the firepit and paths.
By my count, it looks like I've ended up with:
17.5 completes
2 semi-completes
5.5 not-completes
On a strict reading, that would be a 70% complete rate. Right where I was in 2019. And far under my 2020 scorecard.
However, like A LOT of things in life....it isn't so clear. I'm not talking 'fake news' or the two realities that seem to exist for the left and right of our country. But, I am talking about things not being clear when you look at the totality of the work for the season in the yard. Do I feel like I really only should receive a C- for the year? Based on this list, maybe. But, when you look at some of the other MAJOR items that aren't reflected here, I think the grade may shift. Let's look at some of them.
1. We have ALL new, curvilinear beds. In their final form. This is a big item.
2. We put down a new firepit. And a path from our driveway all the way to my office landing. And laid down bluestone chips as the gravel. Again...major improvements.
3. I got ahead on the aphids. And treated the Magnolia this Fall. This has been a tough item. But, I feel good about the process now.
4. I planted a whole bunch of small Yews. Give them a few years and we'll have something special, I hope. None of these (but for the topiary ones) are/were accounted for in the plan nor list.
5. I've begun my transition away from a monoculture of KBG in the yard. Tall Fescue is where I'm headed.
6. I found a freaking FOSSIL in our backyard. A fossil!?!
7. I tried to grow a tray of native trees from seed. From Seed!
8. I planted a bunch of bulbs. Front and back.
10. I planted 13 trees. 13 trees! That's pretty incredible to think about.
11. Grew some tropicals in the ground - elephant ears.
12. Planted a new Hops vine.
13. Did my own mulch and Fall cleanup.
14. Removed my arch nemesis in the lawn: Wild onions.
Those 14 items are all varying difficulty, effort and impact. But, combined, they certainly add some weight towards taking the grade (imho) from a C- to (at least) a solid B. The Bed-shaping and sideyard gravel path are enough to lift the grade to a B-. Then, add in the other stuff? Sure, let's say: solid B.
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