Near Backyard Tree Planting Location(s) - 2021 and Beyond

I've done this before on the blog - where I put out a plan for future tree planting locations - mostly as a way to guide my planning, but also marking down a place for when I buy a tree on impulse and provide it a place to grow.  For this post, I wanted to specifically think about trees as they relate to the patio area and rear of the house.  I've identified five spots to plant trees that you can see in the plan below.

I'll quickly mention each of these - but note, they're NOT in priority order.  But, they each are likely deserving of a specific tree type/variety/caliper.  So, let's consider this a macro list (for now).

1.  Backyard - focal on southside.  Across from large Oak.   This is what I think needs to be a substantial tree - something on the order of 2" caliper.  And, likely a shade tree.

2.  Outside of Kitchen window, patio shade tree.   This one, too, should be a more mature tree.  It is in a vulnerable position in terms of being out in the open, but once planted, will define the future edge of the corner bed.  Being right outside the kitchen window, I'd like something that puts on a nice show, while at the same time, this will provide some daytime shade on the patio when it matures, so shade tree feels right. 

3.  Patio tree on northside.  This is a true 'patio tree' location - so, something smaller, more ornamental. 

4.  Espalier #1 on South.  Fruit or flowering tree.  Will get a lot of sun.  Part of a patching pair, I think?

5.  Espalier #2 on South.  See #4 above.


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