

I had my Illini to win four games tops thus year. After today's beatdown of the cats we're already at six. Oskee-wow-wow!

Living Room Fireplace Mantel Progress

Thanks to Nat's Dad, we made A LOT of progress on the front living room mantel.  Charlie found some old oak boards at an estate sale and after a bit of sawing and planing we managed to make something pretty neat. It isn't done, but the Thanksgiving deadline is fast approaching.

6 Down, 19 to Go: Louisa's Pizza of Crestwood

We got back on the top 25 pizza places in Chicago routine with a stop at Louisa's on the southside in Crestwood.  Nat described this as the "best pizza she's ever tasted" and would not only come back for it, but would recommend this place to ANYONE.  That's how good this was.  My only complaint was that our crust was a bit burnt - and not in a good Pequods/Burt's Place-type of carmelized burnt.  This was just plain burnt. I think we had sausage, pepperoni and spinach, but I don't totally remember.  This place has all the charm of your buddy's parent's basement that hasn't been renovated since the mid 1980's.  Carpet on the floors, Chianti bottles hanging from the ceiling, etc.  But...they do churn out a great pie. You know you're on the south side when the front door specifies that men can't walk in wearing a tank top.  I am guessing that JP McCarthy's in Winnetka doesn't have the same problem. The pie in all of it&

Bungalow Fireplace Front - Wood Dentil Planning

The day has finally come:  we're going to finish off our fireplaces.  Nat has given me a Thanksgiving Day deadline.  Fortunately, I'm taking some time off which allowed me to get to the store to buy some wood to begin the project.  We're going to simulate the look of our front door with a pretty large dentil design. 3.5" blocks with 6" spacers is what I've laid out in the photo above.  I'm *hoping* that the scale will work once they go up on the wall.

Making Her a FanGirl

The Babe landed herself a new snugglepal.  I'm (obviously) attempting to get her started early mostly because she's taking to her mother's iphone like a fish to water.  Had to fight dirty with the Squishable !

VestFest 2010

Kudos to my friends Justin, Jason, and Donovan for pulling off a really amazing VestFest 2010 this past weekend in the city.  They raised a heckuva lot of money for charity.  Nice job, guys! For more info, you can visit:

Noonie's Halloween Party - 2010

My mom ALWAYS has a great Halloween party for my nieces and nephews.  The main event is the pinata and this year the weather cooperated.  I found this photo in my phone and couldn't resist posting it for posterity sake.  Equation Boy/Man handles the raising/lowering duties and the kids spring into action when someone makes a dent in the pumpkin sun pinata!

It *is* the Sauce, But...Pepperoni?

Using the Pizza Cognition Theory , when I think of pizza, I naturally think of Aurelio's.  Yesterday, I found myself on the southside and noticed a billboard for Aurelio's and grabbed a shot as I drove by.  I know...not super safe! They're (rightfully) hanging their hat on their sauce - and for us Aurelio's lovers, it *is* indeed the sauce, but the photo they used troubles me. Pepperoni?  Seriously?  This is Chicago.  What about sausage?  Now...I'll throw down a sausage/pepperoni combo any day of the week, but for your advertisement?  I dunno.

Dolly Parton Saves the Day

I've previously disclosed that although I'm a Sirius/XM subscriber, I'm really just subscribing because of Howard Stern.  My dark secret (that I'm a HUGE Stern guy) is out there and Nat hates for me to tell people.  In fact, I hesitate to tell most people - mostly because I know that somewhere in their head they're judging me and thinking that I'm some sort of gross dude.  Yesterday, I found myself in the car driving to Detroit in the morning, which allowed me to listen to the entire show.  But, I also had to drive partially back home last night and because there wasn't anything fresh on Howard 100, I was left to fend for myself among the music stations.  And....guess what?  Outlaw Country didn't let me down.  Yup.  That's Dolly covering Led Zeppelin.  Guess if Stern decides to pack it in, I'll have to give a second thought to deleting my subscription after all. 

Found the Killer App for Google TV: My Illini Playing on ESPN3

Earlier in the week, we were on the road in Kansas City, so I found myself sneaking up to a bedroom in our friend's house and watching the Illini hoops game on my laptop.  It was ONLY on, so my laptop was my only option. Fast forward to last night and again I find the Illini are set to play Toldeo on  But..guess what I have at home?  That's right!  GoogleTV! I have seen the future and it is filled with millions of tv channels all delivered through one pipe!