Bucky Badger Club Cheese - A King of Clubs Rival?
Those of you who have been following along on the blog know a few things about me: I'm pretty passionate about pizza and gardening. But also about Club Cheese. Yeah...Club Cheese. You might call it Cold Pack Cheese. Or Cheese spread. Or a 'tub of cheese'. Here in Illinois, Merkt's rules the grocery store, but Trader Joe's sells something that is a bit more whipped than Club Cheese that they market under the label "Pub Cheese". It is all good stuff. And I'll eat a lot of any variety of the stuff that I come across at parties and social gatherings. Also, I'll eat a lot of the stuff inside my very own house. Pretzels, tortilla chips, pita chips. I'm pretty agnostic when it comes to the vessel that I use to scoop up the club cheese and deliver it to my mouth. But, I've had a few Club Cheese experiences that have allowed me to demonstrate a strong preference for a particular variety. Sure, I still stay true to Merkts. It *is