Frans Fontaine European Hornbeam Holding Leaves in Late November - November 2024

Speaking of 'holding leaves' (yesterday...I posted a photo showing the espalier'd Lindens holding their leaves), the row of Frans Fontaine European Columnar Hornbeams that we have planted along the south property line are doing what they always do in Fall: hold their leaves late. The term for trees that hold their leaves DEEP into Winter (when they're all brown and dry, but still clinging to the branches) is named foliar Marcescence. These aren't quite to that state, but based on previous seasons, we'll see these trees brown-out soon. Then, one or two of them MAY drop their leaves immediately, while others may hold onto them until Spring. You see this with Oak trees - quite a bit. They'll hold some of their leaves all Winter . Here's a post showing what the trees looked like in February of 2023 - still holding small, crinkled, curled-up leaves that late into the Winter . And here's a post from one-year-and-one-...