
Showing posts with the label soda

American Soda Water - In Singapore

I guess this is part of the continuing series of posts chronicling the various soda cans I came across over my visits to JAPAC.  This one - Monarch American Soda Water - was from the hotel lounge in the hotel I was staying at in Singapore.  Previous ones were J-Cola from Japan .  And just recently, three Coke Zero cans from Tokyo and Singapore .  You can see that this one reads: "Original from USA".   Kind of interesting that they're marketing the USA-aspect of the stuff and not, say, France, where "Big Sparkling" (you know.....La Croix, Perrier seem to be from). And, just for the record, I think I coined the term "Big Sparkling" right now.  I think we can lump  Topo Chico, Bubly (owned by Pepsi), and perhaps Schweppes along with La Croix and Perrier into "Big Sparkling", right?  Spindrift - for now - can still cling to it's independent roots. I'm good with Big Sparkling.  Drink the stuff as often as I can.

Three Coke Zero Cans From JAPAC

Another post in the series.  Pepsi J-Cola post here .  These are, from top to bottom, Singapore Hotel Lounge, JAL in-flight service and Marriott Courtyard Lounge.  Two skinny Red Bull-shaped cans.  One normal, 12 ounce can in the middle. 

Pepsi J-Cola Zero (Japan & Joy Cola)

I think the "J" stands for Japan or Joy.  Or both.    That's what one side of the can reads:  Japan & Joy Cola. I had this in Nagoya one day on my trip.  No Coke Lite that's for sure.  Nice can, though.   If my Dad was still in the business of collecting bottles and cans, I might think about bringing one of these home for him.  Alas, he isn't.  So, I didn't.

Gray's Root Beer - Southern Wisconsin Brewed

We wandered over to Kenosha one afternoon recently to make a stop at the Mars Cheese Castle and while we were out we, stopped at The Garage for a few burgers and root beers. When we asked, "Do you have a good sarsaparilla?".  The didn't say "Sioux City Sarsaparilla".  But they said "Gray's".  That's a good one. So, we all enjoyed a few bottles of Grays and it was tasty.   I've never heard of the stuff, but a quick look around the Web, I discovered it is from Janesville, Wisconsin by a family that has been making beers, ales and root beers for more than 150 years.  And, according to this review on the Soda Jerks , it is a local Southern Wisconsin delicacy. ...The root beer recipe dates back 140 years and is made with pure cane sugar. Itā€™s a nice grog, good creamy head, rich vanilla flavor and decent carbonation. Itā€™s one of the better root beers Iā€™ve tasted. Itā€™s only available in southern Wisconsin as far as I know, so a road...

Custom "Share a Coke" Bottles

Back at Christmastime, my friend Kate gave me this big red box right ahead of the holidays.  She knew of my affinity for Coke Zero and so this was a welcome gift.  Inside the box was a set of these cute glass bottles with my name on them! This is the 2nd time I've written about the #ShareaCoke campaign.   First time was back here in August of 2015 when I bemoaned the lack of an 'e' on the Jacob bottles .  Well...turns out they've solved that little problem. You can go over and create your own bottle on the 'share a Coke' site here: .   And you can put an 'e' on the end of your name if you'd like, too!

Jewel Giving Away Free Dr. Pepper 10?

I was in the Jewel a few days ago buying garbage can stickers (so we can throw away more than the one can we are allotted for the week) and during my purchase, the cashier (yes, I went through the manned lines because that's the only place you can buy the stickers.) asks if I want my free 2 liter of Dr. Pepper 10.  "Sure", I say! I went with it. Turns out, this is a weird soda.  I like soda.  But...this one isn't quite Diet Dr. Pepper.  And it isn't quite regular Dr. Pepper. It is in between.  Who's it for?   Apparently....dudes . Seems some guys have trouble ordering a "Diet Coke".  Really?  Having a diet soda isn't manly?  Guess I'm not thinking my beverage choice though enough.