
Showing posts with the label Singapore

American Soda Water - In Singapore

I guess this is part of the continuing series of posts chronicling the various soda cans I came across over my visits to JAPAC.  This one - Monarch American Soda Water - was from the hotel lounge in the hotel I was staying at in Singapore.  Previous ones were J-Cola from Japan .  And just recently, three Coke Zero cans from Tokyo and Singapore .  You can see that this one reads: "Original from USA".   Kind of interesting that they're marketing the USA-aspect of the stuff and not, say, France, where "Big Sparkling" (you know.....La Croix, Perrier seem to be from). And, just for the record, I think I coined the term "Big Sparkling" right now.  I think we can lump  Topo Chico, Bubly (owned by Pepsi), and perhaps Schweppes along with La Croix and Perrier into "Big Sparkling", right?  Spindrift - for now - can still cling to it's independent roots. I'm good with Big Sparkling.  Drink the stuff as often as I can.

Singapore Cargo Ships At Departure

I didn't get to see a lot of Singapore, but one thing I was struck by was all the shipping traffic in/around the coast.  Here's a shot I saw on departure as we took off out of the airport on a morning flight.  Quite an armada of container ships, right?  This was the view off the coast, too.  We see ships on the horizon when we're on vacation - in California or Florida - but they're just occasional blips on floating on the sea far out there.  Not quite the same thing going on here - which I assume is for a variety of reasons including the size of the passages and the restrictions/regulations placed on the voyages.  But, all that stuff we buy has to come from somewhere, right? 

Three Coke Zero Cans From JAPAC

Another post in the series.  Pepsi J-Cola post here .  These are, from top to bottom, Singapore Hotel Lounge, JAL in-flight service and Marriott Courtyard Lounge.  Two skinny Red Bull-shaped cans.  One normal, 12 ounce can in the middle. 

View From The Office (Singapore)

I spent the day in the office and after opening the blinds, this was the view from our conference room.  That's Singapore National Stadium on the left and there was some sort of event going on inside during the workday. This is the latest in the [ View from my office ] series.

It's Smiling At Me (Singapore Duck)

I walked through a food hall kind-of-place in Singapore and saw these birds hanging in the front of one of the places.  I'm sure it is delicious.  But....All I could think about was this scene that runs at the end 1 of A Christmas Story : 1. [I say *end* of the movie, but like a lot of you, I watch this movie in constant repeat format on Christmas Day and the end blurs with the beginning - you know how TBS rolls the credits in a tiny format in the corner???] ā†©