Inaba shidare Japanese Maple Planted - July 2023
At the Morton Arboretum Arbor Day Plant Sale this year, I came across this sign (photo below) describing a Japanese Maple variety that was new (to me): Inaba shidare. It was listed as an Acer palmatum and the photo had red laceleaf foliage. The sign describes it as "The best of the weeping red laceleaf maples for its leaf color retention in Summer, its scorch resistance, vigor and hardiness. The lace-like foliage emerges deep purple in Spring, matures to purple-red by Summer and finally turns bright red in Fall." I mean...what's not to love about that, right? I had previously purchased a Japanese Maple from the Morton Sale - an Emperor 1 in 2021 - and have been REALLY happy with it in our garden. So, when I saw this sign for the Inaba shidare, I wanted one. The only problem? They were gone. Sold out. least...sold out during *my* visit. Felt a little bit like a 'one that got away' sort-of-deal. So, ima...