Elmhurst Demonstration Rain Garden - City Leading the Way on Stormwater Management

If you get a chance, take a walk by the Elmhurst Police Station on First Street and get a view of a newly installed/created 'demonstration rain garden' that they've recently built out front. As of the past few days, the construction fence was still up around the project, but it appears that all of the work is complete and now they're just wrapping up the project. The City of Elmhurst is - kind of - putting their money where their mouth is on this. I say 'kind of' because they, ummm, didn't use their own money I don't think; they got a grant. Details on the garden can be found here on the Elmhurst Storm Water Plan site where they describe the project: The Project Involves the construction and maintenance of a rain garden, sized between 800 and 1,200 square feet, to include an engineered soil mix to promote infiltration, as well as a variety of native shrubs, grasses, and forbs, immediately south of the Police Station. The goal is to reduce...