DIY Wood-Fired Pizza Oven Construction - Initial Excavation For Foundation - February 2024

This past weekend, I posted a list of 'early potential priorities' out in the yard and garden for the upcoming 2024 growing season . That list featured a number of projects/ideas/areas that *could* be something that I'm going to prioritize in 2024. But, it also featured one item that has certainty when it comes to being a priority: the backyard wood-fired pizza oven construction. The location/site of the oven has been an open question for me ever since we moved in back in 2017. I wrote about a couple of final options in the backyard in early January where I narrowed it down to two locations : built into the berm/closer to the patio vs. down on the drywell, lower-elevation. With the run of warmer temperatures this week, I got out one night after work and just got busy: digging the foundation. I went with the drywell location. Further from the house, but anchoring a secondary, lower-tiered patio. Below is a look at the site - ann...