2024 Project Inspiration - Adding Personality Via Garden and Compost Bin Signs - December 2023

Yesterday, I posted a look at my first ever (small) Wattle Fence that I put up in my new (as of this Fall) stumpery garden in the back . In that post, I talked about the idea of "Garden Vignettes" and how they draw the visitor in towards certain spots in the garden and allow the gardener to show a bit of their personality. The stumpery allows for a little personality. The Wattle Fence, too. So do berms and boulders. In this recent post about using boulders in the garden , I said this: "One of the things that I'm putting on my 2024 to-do list is to add a little 'personality' to my garden with objects. Boulders fit that category, so I'm getting a little bit of a headstart this Fall/Winter." What other ways can you see a little personality in the garden? With signs. Earlier this Fall, I saw this post on Insta from Erin the Impatient Garder that shows a few Garden Vignettes from Northview Garden . This is a screensho...