August Is Mirai Sweet Corn Season

During the Summer months of July and August, you can go to any Jewel or Mariano's or what-have-you and you'll come across sweet corn in a big bin. On sale, you can sometimes get it for a dime per ear. And, occasionally, you'll get some really great corn. But, if you get to one of the handful of Farmer's Markets where they sell Mirai Sweet Corn, you'll be ruined for any of that grocery store stuff. Mirai Corn is sold by an outfit called Twin Gardens Farm and they sell it in half-dozen bags that you see above. From Twin Garden's site : Mirai, pronounced ME-rye, was developed in Harvard, Illinois in the early 1990s. Mirai is a hybrid that combines the three main sweet corn genotypes, SE (sugar enhanced), SU(sugary), and SH2(shrunken). Mirai is not genetically modified and was bred naturally by cross pollinating the different sweet corn genes. ... The seed was first introduced to Japan because they have small farms where much of the work is still done...