Downers Grove Community Art Project - We Participated!

If you head there now, you'll see that hanging in the staircase of the Downers Grove Recreation Center is this art project made of small mirrored pieces of glass. It has squares around the edges and a molecule-looking object in the center. There's a post here on Facebook that describes the project and the themes it is exploring (community + the universe). Here's how the project is described in the document hanging next to the work that is titled "C-60" that was created by artist Linda Stucker. Here's the full post on Facebook from the Art Department embedded: If you read the description, you'll see that the artist - Linda Stucker - invited Downers Grove residents to design their own 1.5" tile squares that would be included in the final project. Welp...I totally forgot that we participated! One Saturday, after basketball, we saw a table set up at the Rec Center. So, The Babe and I decided to sit down and create a little glass tile....