Garden Edit - Silver Maple Removal - April 2024

A mature gardener can edit their garden. I'm not there yet, but learning everyday. And, I've made an edit to the garden that put me out of my comfort zone a little bit: removing a tree. The tree in question was one that I didn't plant - it was a volunteer. A Silver Maple. I figured out what it was last Fall and posted about Silver Maples - and the paradox of Silver Maples . I let this grow as a volunteer and then last year it LEPT up. Big time growth. That put my antenna up a little bit. Things are NOT supposed to grow that fast. Then, this past week, I noticed this foliage: Lovely, right? Lace-like. Purples and greens. Almost Japanese-maple-ish. So, I went online (again) and thought about the Silver Maple. That foliage was striking. But, I needed to re-think things. A quick look around the Web and you'll discover that not only are Silver Maples fast-growing, they also...