Fighting Illini Illinois Football Minifigure

On all of our trips to campus to see a Fighting Illini football game down at Memorial Stadium, we do a few things: park at Frat Chi, walk the quad and buy some stuff at the bookstore or Gameday Sports. Or both. On one of those trips in the past few years, I guess I made an impulse buy that I recently came across. Doing what most of us do at the new year, I decided to clean out my desk drawers. In one of them, I found a package that contained this Fighting Illini football player minifigure you see below. He's wearing W-O-W or White - Orange - White...which isn't my favorite look (I'm much more of a traditionalist in O-B-O), but seems like something the team wears a lot these days. A few notes: 1. He's wearing #00 - which I think has to do with players not being paid to play. 2. If you look closely at the yoke, you'll see "Team Shield" showing up. Nice little detail. 3. He came with a football, but ...