View From My Recent ORD Takeoff - November 2021

Back in the before-times, I used to do these posts (on occasion) that I titled: view from my office. They were (usually) early mornings from our office on the 64th Floor of the Aon Center. The most recent one from our office was all the way back in December of 2018 - almost three years ago. I also used to (in the before-times) post interesting shots from my flights including this rainbow one from 2019 . I haven't been to the office much in the past two years NOR have I been on airplanes much. But, on a recent trip out of O'Hare one early morning, I noticed the skyline was looking particularly nice. Here's a sunrise (no-filter) photo from my window seat looking east. Our office is moving out of the Aon Center near the end of the year and it doesn't appear that I'll be down in the office before closing things out, so it appears that the days of seeing those beautiful sunrises from the 64th floor are likely over. It was a good run. Ei...