Chocolate Chip Ajuga - Hits and Misses and Maybes - April 2024
The past few years have been a love story between me, the gardener and Ajuga 'Chocolate Chips', the groundcover. I've bought it a few different sizes (quarts and plugs) and have scattered them around the front and back of our yard. Some have really thrived. Some have died totally. And others...well...they're still TBD. This time in early Spring is when these Ajugas take on a different form - with curled-up, darker foliage that make them standout a bit. Soon...they'll be filled with blue/purple flowers. Here's a look at some of those - starting with some less-than-one-year-old plugs. These went in the bed in late May in our backyard, sort-of in-front-of the Fanal Astilbes . The six plugs are not stretching out into six plants. Soon...maybe this year, they'll connect to each other: Next up, is a pair of plugs that went in the backyard in late Fall. These are planted in front of the Baby Blue Spruce Tree. They, w...