Running A Grow Light During Winter - January 2022
We keep the majority of our potted plants/containers/house plants in two places for *most* of the year. The first is outside. And that usually is between about June and September. The second is our screened porch. And that's from September to January. And again from about March to June. On the porch, we have a corner table that holds a few containers and the top of one of our firewood racks is the other spot for the pots. The porch is useable for about 300ish days a year for us and about the same for our plants. The porch gets a TON of natural light and the plants don't seem to dry out as much out there as they do once we bring them in the house. In year's past, we've brought them in the house in January and they've struggled. These came in about three weeks ago and (knock, wood), they're doing ok (so far). We've tried a few places - upstairs in a south-facing window. Downstairs in same facing. Indirect light, direct light. It seems that the best o