Hand Pulling Wild Onions From Lawn - Northern Illinois - April 2023
The Wild Onion continues to be a problem. The clumps of these bulbs are in our lawn and in our beds. I've worked at them for years - including cultural and herbicide treatments over the years. I've removed them, sprayed them and attempted to treat the soil to make them less happy. This Spring, I've lime'd the backyard , sprayed the tips with Tenacity and pulled them out by hand. This past week, I went into the understory garden bed and used my Hori Hori to pull up a bunch of these jerks. Below is the orange trug filled up with the bulbs. What's different in the beds vs the lawn is that it is a bit easier to get the bulbs out without taking more dirt/soil/earth. I pry up the bulbs, cut the clump and pull from the bottom. If you have Wild Onions like we do, be SURE TO NOT COMPOST THEM. These go right in the trash - not the compost pile. Here's a couple of other Spring 2023 posts on these awful things.