Anemone 'Lucky Charm' Blooms - Late August 2024

Three weeks ago, I noted that the Anemone 'Lucky Charm' flower show was just getting started with the emergence of those purple, sphere-shaped buds that stand at the top of thin, upright stems . Today, that show is happening in full-force. If history is any guide, these will bloom all Fall. But right now, they're showing-off with a light-purple petal show in the 'kitchen curved' bed in our backyard. See below of the current state of this little colony of Fall color. Something to think about is using these in other spots in the garden. They get 'part sun', but are really the ONLY blooms left to pop-off in our foliage-heavy garden. I could use these elsewhere to provide some late-season action. NOTE to future Jake: Divide these in Fall.