DuPage County - Vote By Mail - 2020 General Election

With the close of one convention and the start of another one next week, I suppose it is time to remind anyone who is reading this blog post that, if they live in DuPage County, they should get on the stick and request their mail-in ballot. The county has made it pretty easy - just head here to the DuPage Election Authority's page where you fill out a form with your name, Date of Birth and SSN . The County Clerk also sent out this mailer that explains what they have planned for this year - and included instructions on the application. But, she's also touting that - at some point later this year - you'll be able to 'track your vote-by-mail ballot', which is promising. I will admit that my disposition is to not really like or admire the government, but if they can make tracking my ballot as easy as I can track my order from DoorDash or Uber Eats, I'll be pretty impressed. The last day to request a mail-in ballot in DuPage County is ...