Marshall Field's Walnut Room Christmas Mugs - Comprehensive Historical List

Just last week, I posted the most recent Marshall Field's Walnut Room Christmas mug that I came across at an antique mall up in Wisconsin . That made it five in the collection here on the blog. Here's the list of posts on the topic here on "Why I Oughta...": 1980 - Tree with Bear tall glass . 1981 - Contortionist Santas glass mug . 1983 - Uncle Mistletoe tall glass . 1986 - Greetings from Mistletoe Bear Red outline 2000 - Mr. and Mrs. Santabear Marriage glass mug with multiple colors . But, you'll note that sometime between 1983 and 1986, Marshall Field's moved from using Uncle Mistletoe to someone called Mistletoe Bear. And then by 2000, the bear had gotten married and his name changed to Santabear. That set me down on an eBay rabbit hole to see if I could piece together the full list of mugs. Here's the fruits of that effort: The Definitive Guide to Marshall Field's Christmas Mugs. I have been able to document ev...