Goose Island Bourbon County Brand Stout

On Black Friday, I popped into the Jewel to pick up a few rations (and get 'cash back' because our bank wasn't close) for our trip to the Christmas Tree Farm (where they only take cash for the trees) and came out with a few of these Goose Island Bourbon County Brand Stouts. By total accident. I was making small talk with the cashier and she was telling me about how there people were camping out overnight in hopes of scoring these bottles. She pointed to them and said that they found two bottles after the crowd left. I asked if I could buy them and she said "sure". So...almost $20 later, I came home with proudly with two bottles. Of stout. Nat loves a good stout. And so do her beer nerd brothers, so they'll enjoy them this Christmas season. I texted a photo to Dr. Jeff - who normally hosts our craft beer dinners and has even had a stout one before - and bragged about getting two of these. He sent me back a shot of his h...