Fall Project: Lazy Garden Bed Extensions - October 2024

Over the years, I've created and expanded garden beds using various methods including digging out all the turf, flipping the turf and (more recently) doing some combination of digging/flipping the turf and layering on cardboard to supress the grass. That cardboard smothering method seems to work pretty well and it is well...easy. At least it is FAR easier than digging out the turf. But, the cardboard method has a big drawback - the grass is *STILL THERE*. So, that means it is tricky to plant in the bed immediately. If you plant in the cardboard zone, you have be careful to remove the turf around any 'holes' in the cardboard that you want to plant in - otherwise you'll end up with grass peeking through around the stems/trunks of whatever you plant. Trust me...I know. My problem is that I don't plan ahead enough and get the beds ready BEFORE I want to plant them. So, why shouldn't I use some of this "Fall Planting" time to build out new/exte...