Morning Mist At Randall Park - Late Summer 2020

One of the big things that I've started to do every work day ever since we were put into lockdown and I stopped going to the office was getting out for a walk. It started with a mid-day walk up and down the block a few times a week to loosen up my back and my Psoas muscle. But, at some point, it changed to a 'first thing in the morning' walk. For a while, the sun was coming up on my walks and I was greeted with the first light of the day. I posted a photo from one of these walks back in June when we were up in Wisconsin . You can see the daylight/sunrise in that photo . Recently, the days have grown darker in the mornings and I now leave and get back to our house all in the dark. That's brought some new experiences - including skunks, possums and raccoons picking at cans on the curb on garbage days. But, it also has shown me some interesting weather experiences like what you see in the photos above and below from Randall Park in our neig...