New Triumph Elm Tree Planted - Ulmus 'Morton Glossy' - October 2022

Once I knew the large Norway Maple needed to come down, I immediately switched into tree planting-planning mode. I looked around-and-around and thought about what we wanted in a tree: 1. Disease and pest resistant 2. Fast-growing 3. Unique 4. Something 'stately' and (when mature) large I worked with a few people to sort options. The temptation of the Fall-Colors of the various Maple trees was strong. But, ultimately, the experts that I consulted said that Maples make up far too-much of our local, urban canopy and that I should plant something different. Further research sent me towards this narrow list called "Chicagoland Grows". What is Chicagoland Grows? From their site: Established in 1986, Chicagoland Grows® Plant Introduction Program is a unique partnership among the Chicago Botanic Garden , The Morton Arboretum , and the Ornamental Growers Association of Northern Illinois (OGA) , dedicated to devel...