Butterscotch Amsonia - Gold Foliage In Fall - November 2024

I've long proclaimed myself to be a foliage gardener. That's partially because I'm a shade gardener and partially because flowering plants have always been a little bit outside of my comfort zone. But, I'm starting to think that I'm also *another* kind of gardener: a Fall Gardener. Or at least a late Summer + Fall Gardener. The September and October Dahlia blooms this year have taught me to love that part of the growing season. And now....as things are going dormant in our yard and garden, I'm struck by some things that are happening in Fall. What are those things? Here's one - below. The EYE-SEARING gold that is coming from our Butterscotch Amsonias in our backyard that are contrasted by the dark green foliage of some Alice Oakleaf Hydrangeas. This color is borderline shocking. It is a little hard to see, but if you look closely, there are a couple of other things worth noting in this photo. First....th...