A 2020 Miss: Staining the Patio Container - December 2020

I'm due for a final 2020 to-do list recap, but before I get to that full list, I wanted to put down a post here about just one item: #12 - Paint/stain the Patio Wood Container. Here's a link to a late-season (October) checkin on the list that at the time showed #12 being left uncompleted . Here, below, is a photo of said wooden patio container and one of our larger glazed patio containers tucked in next to it. And guess what? It is STILL unstained. I started this project back in Summer of 2019 - as it was an ask from Natalie. I used treated lumber and based on everything that I read, you're supposed to wait a while to let the treated lumber to breath on its own BEFORE staining it. That meant that I let myself off the hook that first year. But this year? NO excuse. Other than COVID, I guess. Posting this mostly to SHAME MYSELF into getting this back on the 2021 to-do list and to get it done in the Spring. ...