Summer Beauty Allium And Christmas Tree Hosta Divisions - Summer Update - August 2023

Late last year, I dug up, divided and transplanted a number of Summer Beauty Ornamental Onions (Allium) around the backyard - including four divisions around the tree-swing Northern Red Oak tree . I also dug and and divided a large Christmas Tree hosta (that I really like) into three new divisions and planted them behind the allium, closer to the tree trunk . How have those divisions done? In less than one year, they seem to have recovered quite well. See below for a couple of photos showing the Summer Beauty Allium, spaced with some polka dot annual plants and the Christmas Tree hostas behind them: They are better than what was there before - a ring of hostas. And, I've learned that I can pretty sharply divide Summer Beauty and move them around. Note to self for Fall 2023 dividing.