First Strawberry Harvest - June 2023

If you buy strawberry plants once, you'll have strawberries for years, they say. We started with container-grown bareroot strawberry plants in 2018 . And, guess what? They ESCAPED. Now, we have Strawberry groundcover in one of our beds. Back in 2019 - I called them 'volunteer' strawberries and thought it was cute. But, they they spread. And spread. I ripped some out. They came back. I ripped out more. They came back . But, we haven't eaten any of the strawberries in the years since they grew in 2019. 2020, 2021, 2022 were all strawberry-free years. Why? Well...we did *grow* strawberries. But, they were gobbled up by the critters. This year, however is different. In addition to leaving the strawberry groundcover in place, I also dug out eight plants and put them in our vertical Greenstalk tower. After a period of transplant shock, they stabilized and began to throw off strawberries...