Winter Firewood Re-Order of Two Face Cords - January 2021

Recently, I was working in my office early one morning when I heard the BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP that comes with the backing up of a large truck. It sounded close, so it got me out of my desk chair to look outside. And, that's the exact moment when I remembered that I reordered some firewood from Best Firewood. I was the first delivery of the day it seemed. I walked out the front door and saw the guys unloading - by hand - our two face cords. One of Cherry. And the other of 'mixed hardwoods'. Like I did last Fall, I decided to forgo paying for stacking and had them drop the face cords on the driveway, close to where I intend to bring it around the back. Here they are unloading: And here's the beginning of the big pile. They started with the "mixed hardwoods" and the guy on the top of the truck is pulling the cherry firewood. It was just Friday that I posted about how we were down to around fifty pieces of firewood in ...