Hosta Flowers Blooming - July 2023

Nobody grows hostas for their flowers. Is that a 'hot take'? I don't think so. Foliage gardeners (I'm a self-proclaimed foliage gardener) grow hostas because of what they do: shade-garden workhorses that add some texture and fill in spaces. But...they also flower. With these tall, odd, scapes of flowers. Are they scapes ? I think so . I remember my mom's garden, filled with hostas. And popping the purple flowers that emerged each Summer. I don't think I've ever tracked the flower emergence in my own garden, so I figured I'd start a little bit right now. Why now? Because I was walking around the garden one morning recently and was struck by one set of flowers in back. On these hostas: The flowers seem VERY dark purple (for hostas). Thanks to the Hosta Library, it appears that these are Venticosa hostas . The Delaware Hosta Association has this description : The Dark Green One with Purple Flowers: H....