No AutoMower For You! (Not Yet, At Least!) #Automowerfirst

So, guys! I have some fun news. As part of an outreach campaign, the fine folks from Husqvarna have selected *this guy* to test out one of their Automowers . They're having one delivered and if I comply with some asks (posting photos on social media, etc), I'll get to keep the mower. So, that's pretty awesome, right? The plan was for the Automower to be delivered in May and then use it all summer and have me document my experience here on the blog and on social (Twitter, Instagram). I'm all for it! But...I've had a little bit of an issue with *actually* getting the Automower. Between some delays and then some scheduling confusion with the dealer in Roselle, my poor lawn (and kids!), who I have been bragging to about our soon-to-arrive lawn robot overlord, are starting to wonder if we'll ever get to see this thing in action. I'm hoping we can get it figured out and the Automower will be in service next week! In the meantime, the fine...