Like a Skunk at a Garden Party

Arriving back from Michigan after a few days yesterday, Nat put the Babe to bed while I gave the lawn a much-needed haircut. Once the tasks were done, we settled in for a nice night under the pavilion reading/drinking/relaxing. Like everyone else in Chicagoland , we have a bit of a mosquito problem. But...fortunately for us, I picked up the most romantic of romantic birthday presents for Nat: the Off Clip-on. Along with a candle and the mother-of-all cintronella candles - our fireplace - we settled in for a long night outside. The temperature was perfect - the light is nice - and we have a nice loveseat out there to snuggle in to together. We were in bliss for 40 minutes. Then....scurrying like only they scurry, a small skunk came moseying right along our patio - no more than 5 feet from where we were sitting. I freaked out. I'm thinking the skunk freaked out, too! I knocked over Nat's glass of wine on the table - breaking one of he...