Getting To Know: Tiger Lily Bulbs - February 2023
The Orange Big Box story has their Spring bulbs already in stock in their greenhouse. That means, Peonies and Dahlias and Elephant Ears and Gladiolas are packed in sets and ready to go home. Of course, I couldn't help to go over and see what they had on hand and came across this six-pack of orange Tiger Lily bulbs for $9.98. Tiger Lilies are both familiar and foreign to me. I feel like I know them, but the reality is....I don't really. I went online to find a few listings for bulbs and learned a bit - like... these are 'downward-facing' and good for cut-flowers . But, one of the things that I wasn't sure of is how these are treated: as annuals (like a Dahlia tuber that is left in the ground) or as a perennial (like an Allium bulb)? Based on this listing from Longfield Gardens, it seems they're 'hardy down to Zone 4' , which leads me to believe they can be left in the ground and come back year-after-year like an Allium bulb? The label...