Growing A Norfolk Island Pine Tree For Christmas

Back on our Summer trip to San Diego, I came across a tree that had a specific look to it: the Norfolk Island Pine. There was one of these trees right across the street from our house - and it was that one that got me to research what the tree was called. But, we also came across the '1st outdoor lighted Christmas Tree' that is up at the Hotel Del Coronado - and it turns out that *that* tree, is too, a Norfolk Island Pine tree . The reason that I bring this up is that when I was at Home Depot recently, I came across these tiny Norfolk Island Pines that are $6.99. My hand is in that photo at the top for scale. These young trees don't have the shape that I think about when I think Norfolk Pine. Here's what I'm talking about . Has those long, limited limbs with needles pointing upwards. They also have slightly larger ones for a few bucks more. All of them come in these holiday-packaged pots with little orn...