Regal Prince Oak Acorns And Chinese Chestnuts Planted - Tree Nursery - April 2024
Last Fall, I collected a few dozen acorns off off a small stand of upright, columnar Oak trees that are planted in a parkway near our downtown. On many of my early morning walks, I'd stop by, see if the acorns were 'loose' and then grab a few before they fell to the ground. Our Oaks in our yard last year threw off A HUGE amount of acorns - a mast year. These columnar oaks were simliar. I identified these as Regal Prince Oak trees and here's a look at some of the acorns as I collected them in September 2023 . In November, I water-tested them (if they floated, I tossed them), then buried them in wet sand for a long Winter's nap via cold stratification . I also grabbed three large Chinese Chestnuts and did the same - tested, then tucked-in the fridge for four+ months. In 2022, I collected a wide variety of acorns, but didn't label them. This year, I went with JUST ONE species - the Regal Prince Oak. Earlier this month, I took the contai...