Fish Tank - Tell Me I'm Crazy
I spent some time this past week digging around online and physically in ONE pet store looking at fish tanks and equipment. I had a tank when I was younger (junior high-ish) that was 30 gallons and I had a lot of fun with it. The Elmhurst Library has a tank and every time I take the Babe there, it is our first stop in the children's section and she goes nuts. I figure that this might be a fun family activity: keeping a tank. Nat thinks this is a VERY bad idea for a variety of reasons including the work involved, the upkeep, my track record on things, etc. She's likely correct, but that doesn't mean I won't keep looking and perhaps even pull the trigger. Do you guys have tanks at home with your kids? Tell me I'm nuts - that this will end up being too much work. you and your kids love it? I think big, so 10 gallons is too small potatoes for me. I was thinking of 30 gallons as a nice middle ground starter tank. Freshwater...