Metal Versailles Orangerie Boxes Spotted - Summer 2022

I've lusted after the green Versailles Orangerie planter boxes that you see all over Paris filled with trees in gardens and parks. I've posted about them a couple of times here on the blog and even thought about trying to make one on my own . While were were trouncing around Paris this Summer, we certainly saw the original ones with upright wood slats. But, I also was tuned into a new version: made from metal. Here, below, is one of them I saw on a side street in Paris. It has a scrubby tree/shrub in it, but feels fairly underplanted. And, below, are pair of them (unplanted as well) in the park leading to the Eiffel Tower. A closer look inside these shows they are two-piece containers with an interior 'cage' that seems it can be 'lifted out' (see the corner hooks below). I'm guessing that two-piece setup is intended for Winter as they can leave the planter in place, but take the tree to the Orangerie for overwintering. The ot...