Golden Mop False Cypress Planted - Conifer Garden IB2DWs - October 2023

Last Fall, I planted a singular cypress conifer called Lemon Thread False Cypress in the backyard by the Hornbeam trees . It has mostly just gotten along without much attention, so I decided to add something similar to the front yard - IB2DWs - Conifer Garden: a Golden Mop False Cypress. Chamaecyparis pisifera. They're similar...but I'm learning they're different in some ways. From Oregon State University, I'm seeing that Golden Mop is a 'true dwarf' : ‘Golden Mop’ - it is a mutation of ‘Filifera Aurea’ and a true dwarf, to 1 m, with more intense yellow. I've planted in a full sun, so I'm sure hoping that we get some of that 'intense yellow' and based on what I'm reading (below) in Midwest Garden Tips, I think we have a winner with Golden Mop. From MGT: The dramatic foliage of the ‘Golden Mop’ is bright yellow green with a feathery, almost stringy appearance. The glowing gold foliage creates a lovely accent to deeper green conifers....