
Showing posts with the label hosta replacement plan

Hacksaw Hosta - New Growth - July 2024

We bought a small, unique hosta named the Hacksaw Hosta at the Morton Arboretum Plant Sale back in Spring of 2022 and planted it in the backyard.  The (dang!) rabbits ate it up, but it came back for year two - 2023 - and put on some growth .   This year - the third growing season (two years since planting), the Hacksaw hosta has sort-of spread out.  And has thrown up a one fully-formed hosta and a third tiny sprout.   See below for the current state showing the two hostas and on the right...the start of a tiny third one: Part of my 2024 to-do plan is to keep going on the 'Hosta Replacement Plan'.  When I think about replacing hostas, this Hacksaw isn't one of them that needs to go.  It is unique and worth highlighting as a specimen in the shade garden.  

Garden Edit - Nook Behind Weeping Cypress - Hosta Replacement Project - May 2024

Last month, I wrote about how 2024 might end up being the year of the great "Garden Edit" for our backyard .  I collected my thoughts about what I was drawn-to garden-wise and that boiled down to a few things:  planting in masses, focused on plants that work for our garden, have some appeal foliage-wise and have some four-season appeal (or at least 2 or 3 season).   I outlined a few places that I thought about editing including around the tree swing tree, the kitchen curved bed, IB2DWs and the 'hosta replacement project' on both sides of far backyard.   The first "Garden Edit" that I took on was the tree swing tree .  Where, I reorganized some things and pulled the Hakonechloa Macra (green ones) Grasses to the front and plan on carrying that drift further back.   The second "Garden Edit" was the southside Hosta Replacement Project/Stumpery .  I pulled out a number of hostas and transplanted the All Gold Hakonechloa Macra grasses from the Tree Swing

Four Fanal Astilbe Divisions - Back for First Spring - April 2024

Last Fall, I decided to dig-up, divide and transplant four Fanal Astilbes that had been in our garden since 2020 .  They had four growing seasons under their belt and based on what I was reading, as like most other perennials, Astilbes can be divided every three-or-so-years.  But, I also know that they're finicky.  Some gardeners talk about how they can't get them to grow.  I've had (*knock wood*) pretty good luck (so far).  And, it seems that luck has extended to (at least) this Spring.   Of the four that I divided and transplanted last Fall, all four parent plants (left on the southside) and the four new divisions (planted on the north side as part of the " Hosta Replacement Project ") are back this Spring.  How lovely.   Below is a photo showing the four planted in the understory bed - on the northside.  Their first Spring where they are showing off their young, purple foliage.    I'll plan on watering these in plenty this Summer as I know they're a lit

Fanal Astilbe New Growth Red Foliage Emerges - March 2024

Just yesterday, I posted a photo showing some of the new red tips of peonies that had emerged from the mulch beds (in this case...a biosolid-top-dressed bed) and talked about how they were a sign of Spring.  But, the peonies aren't the ONLY red-tipped perennial that has arrived for the year: some of our Fanal Astilbes that are planted in our backyard shade garden are making their way out of the mulch to begin their annual foliage show.  Below, is a photo of the Fanal Astilbe that is planted at the furthest East-end of the row of these shade-tolerant perennials: I started with a dozen of these Fanal Astilbes planted in the backyard in 2020 along the south border and have moved them a few times.   By last Summer, these were thick, full and happy - so I put them on my Fall Dividing list.   And, I was able to dig-up and divide four of them - creating four new 'free plants' that I planted on the other side of the yard in a hosta-replacement project .   The photo here is of o

Four New Fanal Astilbes Via Division - November 2023

Astilbes.  They're awesome.  Hard to keep and grow - normally.  But, I've had some luck with Fanal Astilbes in my shade garden. They were the VERY FIRST plant I put in - according to plan.   I've moved them a few times, but for the most part....just left them alone.   With four growing seasons under their belt ( planted in 2020 , so 2020, '21, '22 and now '23), I thought I could take a shot at Fall Dividing some of them. I decided to pick the largest four Fanal Astilbes to dig up and divide.  Two on one end, two on the other.  Below are a few 'before' photos: I made room for the four new Astilbes on the other side of the yard - and removed some hostas.  Each of the four plants was dug up, split in two.  Half went to the new spot.   The other half went back in the original hole.  Below are a few 'after' photos showing the ones that have been cut-down in size: I ended up with four new Fanal Astilbes on the north border: Like I've done in the pa