Confirmed: Bleeding Heart Bakery Coming to Elmhurst

For the past few weeks, we've heard rumors of a Bleeding Heart Baker y coming to downtown Elmhurst. It almost sounded too good to be true. But then last week, the folks from BHB actually came out and said just what we were hearing: they are, indeed, coming to town. With a big menu, too . on the walk home from Church Nat and I walked by the purported location and guess what? It sure looks like they're moving along pretty fast. The sign in the window calls out the name of the bakery and the mural on the wall is unmistakeable. Great news for downtown and a real statement about the south side of the tracks. With MOST of the new development going on down there, there's a real shift in the balance of power. Charlies, Pints, the new Pizza joint and now Bleeding Heart Bakery. It will be interesting to see how things shake out.