Orbit Gear Drive h20-6 Spike Lawn Sprinkler - New Gear

I've thought about an in-ground irrigation system for the past few seasons and went so far as to get a quote from the guy that Chris at Green Grass recommended ( Phil's Irrigation ). We have been talking about a zoned system that covers our grass, our perennial beds and even some of the containers on the front porch and back patio. But, in the mean time, I've been both hand-watering, soaker hoses and using various sprinklers to try to keep things alive. In the front , that's been - exclusively - via an impact sprinkler on a spike. And, it has worked pretty well. But, we're on the third season of the impact sprinkler and between using it a lot and the wear/tear that comes with it being on the end of a retractable hose , it started to have a bunch of leaks and the pressure wasn't strong enough to have it complete a full evolution. In the back, I've used that same impact sprinkler and a multi-pattern stationary sprinkler. ...